Why Proactive Fertility Preservation Matters
It’s no secret that as we age, our ability to have a successful pregnancy begins to diminish due to diminishing egg quality. Whether you’re looking to compete against your biological clock or hedging against future illness that could affect pregnancy, preservation is an easy and effective way to set yourself up for future success.
Fertility Preservation Services
Egg & Embryo Freezing
Once women reach their 30s, both the number and quality of eggs they produce begins to diminish at an increasing rate. Many women seek to freeze their healthy eggs when they’re still young to ensure a better chance at a successful pregnancy later, when they’re ready.
What is Egg Freezing?
A surprisingly quick process, egg freezing utilizes medication to produce multiple eggs in a single menstrual cycle to then be retrieved and flash-frozen. Once frozen, your eggs are assigned a unique bar-code identifier through IMT Matcher™ and stored in a temperature-controlled, secure location, until you are ready to grow your family. If embryo freezing, eggs are inseminated and frozen as embryos. Eggs (and embryos) can be frozen indefinitely as their quality doesn’t change over time. If you are concerned that you may not stay in the area, no worries! Eggs (and embryos) can be safely transferred to any other facility for use later!
Oncofertility for Cancer Patients & Survivors
Fertility can be complicated for cancer patients and survivors, with many aggressive cancer treatments negatively affecting our reproductive abilities. Through proactive fertility preservation services, we can collect healthy specimens prior to treatment allowing them the chance at a healthy pregnancy after recovery.
Hear Joanna and Caleb's Story
“As a cancer survivor who now suffers from low AMH with two past miscarriages, I had no hope going into my appointment. But after talking to Dr Dayal and making a game plan, I felt more positive about my chances and ready to hit the ground running. My husband and I drive from 2.5 hours away and we both agree it's so worth it and we wouldn't go anywhere else.”
– Dawn