Having trouble getting or staying pregnant? Interested in speaking with a fertility specialist about having a family? Worried about how the recent changes in women’s reproductive rights will impact your access to fertility care? We can help. Let’s talk.
STL Fertility, the only female owned, all-female fertility center in the Midwest, is focused on helping hopeful patients like you become parents. With the Supreme Court of the United States’ (SCOTUS) historic overturning of Roe v Wade, we want to ensure you are educated and empowered as it relates to access to fertility treatments.
We are pleased to say that the recent SCOTUS ruling has NO impact on your access to fertility treatments in Missouri. This includes your access to treatments like:
In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)
Embryo Disposition
Preimplantation Genetic Testing (PGT)
Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)
Cryopreserved (“frozen”) embryos and/or Cryopreserved (“frozen”) oocytes or
Tim Schlesinger, a lawyer with Midwest Fertility Law Group, has detailed why fertility treatments and embryos within Missouri are protected. Based on their expert opinion, your access to fertility treatments remains unrestricted and untouched. Find this helpful FAQ here.
The SCOTUS ruling has no impact on us as physicians or our ability to offer a wide range of safe and effective fertility treatments to help you build your family. We remain committed to providing the best fertility care to support our hopeful parents like you and our referring providers.
If you’ve been trying to get pregnant or can’t stay pregnant, don’t wait to talk to a fertility specialist. Every month matters when you want to have a family.
Please reach out to us at STL Fertility with any questions and be assured that we will continue to fight for our patients’ reproductive rights on the local and national scale. Our family at STL Fertility is here to help you build yours!
Visit www.stlfertility.com/make-an-appointment today.