For many patients trying to get pregnant, or those currently pregnant there’s still some hesitation about getting vaccinated and a lot of misinformation. Dr. Molina Dayal, STL Fertility Medical Director explains, “As doctors, we understand that the COVID-19 vaccination seems new. However, this type of vaccine has been safely used in other areas for many years. Getting the vaccine is safer than drinking and driving, than smoking, or doing many day-to-day activities.”
A recent story titled “There’s no evidence COVID-19 vaccines hurt fertility. Here’s what’s fueling the myth,” from PBS helps dispel some of the issues at hand, citing CDC research from August 2021 which officially recommended that pregnant people get vaccinated against COVID-19, in part because they are at a higher risk of becoming severely ill from the disease compared to non-pregnant people.
“Currently, there is zero evidence that the COVID-19 vaccination has an impact on fertility. Getting Covid 19 while pregnant can have catastrophic effects, including death. As a fertility provider, I strongly recommend that everyone get the vaccine, not just to protect themselves, but to also protect their unborn child and their family,” added Dr. Molina.
With a 7% positivity rate as of this week, St. Louis still has some work to do to drive down COVID-19 transmission and increase the number of vaccinations. Vaccinations, masks, social distancing, and handwashing remain our best weapons in this viral war. If you’re thinking about getting pregnant or currently pregnant, talk to your OB/GYN or fertility specialist today about getting the COVID-19 vaccine.